Tuesday, September 22, 2009

world changing response 1

World changing response  #1

Samara Harte

Buying Better Food


I have always been a firm believer in eating healthy foods. Buying and eating fresh foods has always been important to me as well. To be honest, buying food locally has never really occurred to me, and I never really thought it would make such a difference. In some areas, certain foods are unavailable, yet are made available by flying the food in from an area in which that particular item is naturally found. This seems to be a good idea, until we realize the other things that are happening in order for us to receive such foods. Packaging up food and sending it elsewhere, seems to be a convenient move, when really its just hurting our environment. The idea of “farmers markets” is quite interesting as well. I have seen them multiple times in my home town, and always wondered where they got their  produce, breads, and various other items to be sold. I never realized that these individuals were selling foods and products that they themselves were responsible for growing, seeing as how they were selling their products in the middle of a suburb, Scarsdale NY, not near any farm land that I was aware of. It never really occurred to me that these products were being made closer to home, and were much healthier and fresher then any of the foods I would normally go to the supermarket to buy. When taking time to think about this I realize that buying locally is healthier for both myself as an individual, and as a part of the greater community in trying to preserve our environment.


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