Lily Porter
Section 5
September 20, 2009
It is because of the natural world that we have life. If it were not for plant life beginning on earth, our atmosphere would be closer that of Venus or Mars, making it an unlivable environment. It is a simple concept of science that we need oxygen to live, and “trees and other plants are this planet’s main source of oxygen” (Loy). Yet we still continue, everyday to be careless with the natural world around us, and take it for granted, which will not only ruin it, but we will ruin ourselves in turn. I believe the Joni Mitchell put it best in her song “They Paved Paradise”, when she said,
“Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT
I don't care about spots on my apples,
Leave me the birds and the bees please
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got till it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot”
(Mitchell). We only realize what we have when we start to loose it. Essentially, my life, and my fellow living creatures lives, literally depend on the natural world, which we are not respecting.
The image I chose is a picture I took of three flowers: one living, one dying and one dead. It shows the process of what is happening to the environment. We are, in one way or another, killing off different plants and species through our expansion and developments. It is hurting our ecosystem, and causing global issues.
Mitchell, Joni. “Big Yellow Taxi.” Lyrics. Ladies of the Canyon. Siquomb Publishing
Company, 1970.
Loy, Jim. "Do Trees Cause Pollution." Jim Loy's Home Page. Jim Loy,
Web. 20 Sep 2009.
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