For this post I want you to brainstorm 4 lists:
The first two are simply a honest, contemplative, and thorough list of the advantages and disadvantages of the role of the "corporate media" in our personal lives/ society at large. It's like when you know you have to break up with your boyfriend/ girlfriend but aren't sure why:) Minimum 10 each, maximum ??? This doesn't have to be complete sentences (unless it's necessary to explain nuances) but can be an itemized list.
A1- PROs
B1- CONs
Discuss your associations & the (direct and indirect) ramifications you see in each item of both lists.
This can be a list of various elements: associations (metaphors or more literal connections), emotional responses (rage/ indifference/ satisfaction, etc.), and a full consideration of the consequences (self-image, financial empowerment, exploitation,
A2- Associations & ramifications (direct and indirect) of the PROs
B2- Associations & ramifications (direct and indirect) of the CONs
You have plenty of ammunition supplied by Lasn and our discussions (albeit mostly on the negative side). Watching "The Corporation" will supply you with more. I want you to draw from these sources, (putting Lasn or whatever other source you reference in parentheses next to items that are direct references to his terminology- i.e. if you mention "infotoxins" or "jolts"), but ultimately these lists will reflect your take on the role of the corporate media in your lives. Write a section at the end summing up your conclusions. You might be leaning towards one bias or another, or maybe it's a mixed picture where you're split. Explain what going through this list/association made you think of; how did it solidify or destabilize your opinion of the corporation? Do you need to need to let him go or are you still in love? Or are there serious changes that need to happen to ensure trust and sustainability? enough with the relationship metaphor... go for it!
ReplyDelete1. Wide spread common knowledge
2. Immediate news
3. More understanding of local/global situations
4. Easily accessible and multiple ways to access it
5. Provides many jobs
6. Provides safety and protection through education
7. Promotes awareness
8. Encourages education
9. Provides entertainment
10. Check against governments
1. Censors controversial ideas
2. Abuse of power
3. Monopolizing
4. Advocate of mass advertising
5. Biased opinions
6. Homogenization of news
7. Few outlets
8. Control over knowledge of city, nation, etc.
9. Influenced by ownership interests
10. Reduced diversity
1. I’m happy that there is common knowledge being spread, but to the people to whom it is inaccessible, it really leaved them in the dust.
2. Like when the twin towers were attacked. It allowed us to be able to shut down everything for safety, because we knew about it so quickly.
3. Because we hear about them more often, we know more about the world around us. But at the same time, we are less in tune with the earth.
4. You can access it through the TV, Internet, newspaper, documentaries, radio, etc. For the people that don’t have any of that, they usually know much less about news.
5. Corporate media puts thousands of people to work, but are they working for something with integrity?
6. Because corporate media alerts us of terrorists, and dangerous people/things, we are more able to prepare ourselves against danger.
7. It can scare us with the news, which makes us more aware, but maybe we know more than we should.
8. Because it teaches us, it encourages education. But does it teach us, or just lure us into following their biased opinions?
9. It can be entertaining, and bring families physically together to, say, watch the news. But it would be better if families came together to do other things like play games/talk/eat.
10. Corporate media provides checks against the government. It keeps a balance.
1. When I went to Washington, D.C. to march for pro-life, it barely made a minute on national news. There were 200,000 people marching at the capital to overturn Roe vs. Wade, and it hardly was talked about on television at all. It is a controversial subject, but it should get just as much coverage.
2. Because the corporate media has so much power, it is easy to abuse and filter.
3. Corporate media can take over smaller businesses and monopolize which leads to homogenization.
4. Advertising is the fuel of consumerism. On the other hand, it is informative and provides jobs.
5. The corporate media often only shows one side of the story, or obviously supports one political party.
6. Homogenization leads to everyone thinking and believing the same thing, demolishing individuality and diversity.
7. There are only so many members of corporate media, so if you don’t like any of them, you don’t have any where else to turn.
8. Because corporate media gives us our news, and we trust them, they have control over us.
9. The owners and CEOs control what they tell us, which leads to biased ideas and control and abuse of power.
10. Because the news is homogenized, it promotes conformity and reduces diversity.
It looks as though I’m split on my opinion of the corporate media, although leading towards the negative end of the spectrum. What bothers me most about corporate media is not necessarily the avocation of advertisements, although that is annoying, but the worst part is the biased opinions and censorship of controversial ideas. If they are going to broadcast news, it should cover all big news and not pick and choose their favorites. As Lasn says “Corporations are in the most literal and chilling sense ‘dispassionate’” (Lasn 157). The corporation does not “care” how it affects you, because “it is intrinsically unable to do so” (Lasn 157). Therefore, it will broadcast what it wants, not what you, or the democracy wants to see/know about.
Lasn, Kalle. Culture Jam: How to Reverse America's Suicidal
ReplyDeleteConsumer Binge--and Why We Must. New York, NY:
HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 1999. Print.
Hima, . "Media Consolidation: Pros and Cons." Hima's Blog. 20 Apr 2009. Web. 20 Nov 2009.
Shah, Anup. "Media Conglomerates, Mergers, Concentration of
Ownership." Global Issues (2009): n. pag. Web. 20 Nov
2.Access to new products
3.Makes life easier
4.Access to new technology
5.Able to get the same things anywhere
6.Able to learn about new tools/products
7.Good products have a good imprint on our lives
8.Everyonce can buy into an ideal life
9.People are more educated about the world
10.People have a standard of what is acceptable
1.Low paying jobs outnumber high paying jobs
2.People have become dependent on items that make things easier
3.Lack of cultural diversity
4.Access to new things makes older versions obsolete
5.More waste
6.Material things become most important
7.Monolopy kills smaller businesses
8.Humans are doing fewer things, which causes job loss
9.Harmful affects on humans because of certain products
10.Rapidly changing ideals for life
1.The fact that people can get jobs is very important, and corporate media offers many jobs
2. It is good that we can have new products, because eventually things need to be replaced
3.Being told what to buy makes it easier to make decisions
4.New technology is something that our culture has become dependant on, it has become a need
5.Being able to get the same things anywhere means that you can blend in anywhere and not be separated from the rest of the world
6.Everyonce gets to learn about new things to be able to keep up with the rest of the world, and to have the best thing they can have
7.Good products shape how we live our lives; we become dependent on how great the product is
8. People are able to buy things that make them equal to others, thus, people can be happy because of their possessions
9. People need to know what happens in the world around them, being more educated in that way can only have good ramifications
10. People will not put up with things if they are not things that work properly
1.The fact that there are jobs is great, but if someone cannot support themselves or their families is not a good thing
2.People have become lazy because of products that make things easier
3.Everyone has the same things; there are no unique things for people to have
4.The fact that we are willing to get rid of something once a newer version comes out speaks about how disposable our culture really is
5.More things we have, the more waste is produced, and killing the world we live in
6.No longer are personal things important, but happiness has become what you own
7. Big businesses come in with better deals and smaller businesses cannot compete with them, forcing them to close
8. People are being replaced by machines and such, making human labor obsolete
9.Certain items have more negative affects than positive affects on humans, such as chemicals in food
10.Because of how things are presented to us, things are constantly changing, making life harder and harder to keep up with
I think that my views are quite split, I know there are good and bad things I associate with corporations. I have never really thought about corporations in such a critical way before, but I think that for every positive thing, there is a negative thing in the way corporations work. I think that if more people thought about both the positive and negative aspects of corporations, there would probably be great changes in they way corporations are run in this country. Until more people realize what is going on, the positive and negative things will continue in the same way that they are, which can be a good and a bad thing.
ReplyDelete-gives good advice
-see how "important people" or people we look p to deal with issues
-different opinions
-shows us that "we dan do it too"
-social modeling
-people being updated on current events
-getting messages across quickly
-helps economy
-form of escape
-helps inform the public
-gives alternatives
-too influential
-can scare the public
-lead people to do inappropriate things
-may promote things that are not likable
-social modeling
-makes individuals feel like they must conform
-forces us to believe certain things
-biased views
-sways individuals
-doesnt allow people to formulate their own ideas and opinions
-displays power
-positive reinforcement
-greater appreciation for beliefs
-more/ developed knowledge
-promotes "collective thinking"
-Power struggles
-financial issues
-negative reinforcement
-promotes "collective thinking"
i believe that any issue is two sided. its easy to assign both positive and negative traits to either side. I think that corporations are both good and bad seeing as how we wouldn't be what we are today as a society without them, but i also feel as if they ruin the fundamental aspects that we should be living by. The media works for and against us as a culture, allowing us to get ideas, formulate opinions, receive information and become acquainted with new products, as well as negatively influence our ideas and behaviors. I believe that corporations and the media work together to influence and change the world that we live in today. (Lasn) page 34 and 123, discusses two ideas that I believe to correlate with these issues. He discusses that the presence of advertisers influences all major newsrooms, and that memes have much to do with how ideas get passed along from individual to individual. Both ideas are stripped down to basically mean how we as people are influenced to think and act.
ReplyDelete1. Many individuals working together; many jobs
2. Different opinions to form corporations because of the number of people working there
3. Productivity
4. Corporations can work together to get something on the marketplace
5. Efficient
6. Responsible for progress
7. Have a voice among the people
8. Have the resources to get attention
9. Makes information easily accessible
10. Can contribute to understanding of more important issues
1. Main goal is to earn large legal returns for those who own the business.
2. Take advantage of the public – who will protect their information?
3. Monopolies
4. Don’t get consumers involved enough
5. Make decisions to keep themselves in the light, not to benefit the public
6. Can falsify news
7. Wealth usurpation
8. Privatization
9. Manufacture consent
10. Minimize conflict to benefit themselves
1. We need jobs, so if corporations can provide a large number of them, they are helping our economy.
2. Many (not all) corporations select a diverse personnel. This way, different opinions are reaching their way to the corporate center to help represent our societies better.
3. We need products. Corporations make products available to us, but sometimes they are too available.
4. Corporations have the means to work with one another to get items into the homes of consumers. They are persistent, and allow us to get what we need with little trouble.
5. Because of all the money that goes in to corporations, they are generally efficient, and make long lasting products that Consumers feel they can benefit from. They feel safe because of the efficiency.
6. Progress in many areas of our society can be contributed to these large corporations that have the means to get things done.
7. People will listen to corporations. They will be heard.
8. Through the Internet, TV, radio and advertisements, they never cease to get their opinions/products/issues across. People need to know what is happening, which is why it is important that they do these things.
9. Easy access to information is key. Consumers look for this when they need information. For example, with the flu season, and the H1N1 scare, the accessible information on all news corporations website made people more aware, and therefore gave them a way to take action.
10. -When issues are widespread throughout the news, or anywhere where consumers can learn about them, they will understand them better. Corporations encourage education, and keep us balanced.
1. Sometimes the corporations don’t care about the public, and will do whatever they need to in order to get money flowing.
2. The public doesn’t always know when they are being taken advantage of, or mislead, but it is so easy for corporations to do so. People trust them because of their power, but that doesn’t always mean they are correct.
3. Corporations take over too many aspects of society. They deal with news and newspapers and products all at the same time. There are not enough opinions flowing into the system. Everything becomes focused on one thing.
4. Corporations work with their personnel before they go to the public.
5. If it doesn’t cost them, corporations will do what they can to stay in the news. This way, people are always watching.
6. As shown in the Corporation movie with the Monsanto story, corporations can pull for falsified news. This can ultimately lead to harm in our lives…
7. They just want money and wealth. Not necessarily benefits for everyone.
8. Private companies get the consumers and public involved even less than public… more concerned about money.
9. Corporations will slant anything they can to manufacture ‘consent’ of the public. Will play with their minds to get followings.
10. If they can, they will avoid all conflict in public. The Monsanto story proves this, when Fox news wanted to bribe reporters to keep all relevant facts at minimum so that the corporation didn’t lose all the money it put into advertising.
Corporations are a tricky subject. I see both sides of them. They do so much for the public, in that they get news across, provide safety nets and trustworthy assistance, and make so many more things available to the public. But on the other hand, we can never know if what they are doing is for the good of the public, or just to make the corporation look good. Going through the list, and watching the Corporation film made me think of all of the media that I’m exposed to, and about how they could be deceiving me. How will we ever know if they are telling the truth? It seems very hard to say. It is awful that our society is so untrustworthy. Why should I feel unsure that the news is real news? The news could be based of issues that aren’t even real issues. They could be issues brought up by companies to get publicity. These factors make me unsure of my feelings on corporations. They do some great things, but some not so great things at the same time.
The Corporation film – www.thecorporation.com
A1 steak sauce
2)technology advancement
5)fast information
6)lower prices
8)stimulates economy
9)gets products into the market
10)universal products
2)rights of a person
3)no morals
4)filter information
5)no more unbiassed opinions
7)controlled news
9)money money money
10)too big
Corporations were initially created to maximize productivity. Their goal, to make as much as possible, as fast as possible, for a cheep as possible.
New technology gets developed while trying to build productivity, as well as new products.
Regulating the corporations sets a standard in our country
Corporation who mess up have to pay for what they have done.
The internet is one of the fastest form information. With out it our world would not be were it is today.
supply and demand set the prices on products. Corporations who are proficient can sell their goods for a better price.
Large corporations require people to work, creating lots of jobs.
The world economy is run by large corporations.
being a perspective industrial designer corporations could be my ticket to getting the products i designed into the public.
best buys are almost identical all over the country. makes it easy to find electronics no matter where you are.
Fun board game however real life monopolies can cause damage to the world. Let one corporation control their market and its lost for good.
I fear that a company can have the same rights i do yet they aren’t human.
Having the rights of a person but not the emotions can be problematic when it comes to responsibility.
We are told on the news and media what corporations want us to hear. I want to hear the truth.
no one has their “own” ideas and beliefs. tainted
filtered news to help their cause
The news is no longer news. Its the information we are told based on the corporations influence.
A corporation carries the responsibly of a person but has no feelings
the only reason for a corporation is to make money. always hungry for more.
when a corporation dies it is so big that thousands of people can be effected.
As with most issues there is pros and cons. When I think of the word corporation happy thoughts do not fill my head. After partaking in this exercise i was amazed to see the list of pros I came up with. The problems that come about with corporations should be fixed but the idea of a corporation needs to stay. People who are completely against corporations need to think about the good they do. Is there a healthy alternative to our corporation world? It would be interesting to see a world with out corporation. What would be missing? Would we be better off? Our economy would not be the monster it is today. The stock market couldn't be played like a casino. Since we are built up on the corporations that control our country change will not come fast. But is that really all that bad?
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ReplyDeleteA1 Pros-
ReplyDelete1. Jobs
2. New technology
3. Reach the masses
4. Some control of what is acceptable
5. Faster productivity
6. Better products
7. Make life easier
8. Ability to find new things easier
9. New cures of illnesses being found
10. Power given to people who will actually do good things with it
B1 Cons-
1. Destruction of nature
2. Taking the natural world for granted
3. To much control
4. A lot of experiences gone because of taking the easy way
5. Loss of owns view
6. Only a certain amount of information makes it to people
7. Extreme imbalance of power
8. Censorship
9. Power in the wrong hands can be disastrous
10. Large amounts of waste and destruction
1. more jobs better economy, less poor, starving people
2. new technology, new ideas, new products to make life better
3. the power the corporate media has, it can get the word out about news to places hundreds of thousands of miles, and when used appropriately it can be a great tool.
4. There needs to be some control no matter what. It would be chaos if there was no control
5. People become more efficient trying to keep up with demand, which then
6. Can create better products which are then used
7. To make everyones life easier, which can seem like a very lethargic approach, but when things are made easier, it leaves more room and time to focus on other more important issues.
8. When given the proper tools, some great things can be found on this earth which can lead to
9. The findings of cures and other medication for illnesses, which is always high on demand.
10. When the power is put into the right hands, that person can do a large amount of good in any direction.
1. Our natural world is being destroyed because people are always wanting more and spreading destructive forces.
2. Many people don’t know what’s out there past the cities and suburban life that people. They see their own world instead of the one that is the source of their artificial lives.
3. If some one or something has to much control, they can decide what is available to the people without giving much of a choice.
4. Not everything is about the final product, and when taking the easy way out the experience can be lost which can also be the best part.
5. People are very impressionable, so having a large corporate media can really influence the way someone thinks. People start to lose themselves as they follow the social norm.
6. The news could show us a very important story, but hold off on showing everything. This makes it so people will have a certain view of the story instead of using the details and creating their own though.
7. If someone has to much power they can control the distribution of power not allowing many people or businesses to succeed and
8. When the power can be put in the wrong hands the decision may no longer be up to the people but instead to just one person.
9. Censoring something forces everyone to not be given the chance to experience something just because another person doesn’t think they should. A small group decides what can be shown in public instead of giving the viewers the choice if they want to see it or not.
10. How some things get produced can create large amounts of waste that litter the oceans and forests.
Though many corporations go about getting what they need in some of the worst ways, what they strive for can outweigh their methods. When it comes to finding new cures to diseases I think that is what is most important. Also, the power the corporate media has, it can get the word out about news to places hundreds of thousands of miles, and when used appropriately it can be a great means of communication. People take advantage of these helpful tools using them in ways to destroy instead of improve. The want for more and more that consumes this country is what taints the ability for these new advances to always be seen as good.
ReplyDelete1) Economic awareness
2) Wide-spread products
3) Free-flowing news
4) Jobs
5) Education
6) Progress
7) Available funding
8) Regulation
9) Global economy
10) Technology to improve lifestyles
1) Strong powers
2) Corruption
3) Over consumption
4) Inability for public to act
5) Fast change
6) Lots of money flow
7) Local destruction
8) Idealized products
9) Health implications
10) Standardized world
1) Corporate media allows for the greater public to be aware of the economy and shifting market
2) Large corporations allow for mass production and spreading of products
3) Corporations can supply news and information freely and efficiently
4) Large corporations provide jobs for many people
5) Corporations that specialize in a specific product/area of interest can educated the populace about that particular area
6) “Strength in numbers”
7) Much of today’s economy is based off of corporate systems and therefore there is a lot of money flowing through these corporations
8) The government and other establishments can regulate these corporations and control their production
9) Corporations allow for global scaling and the flow of ideas and products to other nations
10) Such technologies being produced can benefit and help people (In “The Corporation, they had an image of a factory producing Viagra…which may help a specific population of people)
1) I’ve always feared that these companies can get too powerful and take over the economy
2) Their strong takeover can lead to corruption and hurt a lot of people (i.e Bernie Madoff)
3) Over consumption of products can leave us dependent (ex. People rely on the flu vaccine and their bodies become reliant on it to fight off the disease)
4) The all-powerful corporation becomes so sufficient that people no longer need to help (ex. Machines can replace workers)
5) Fast change leaves those who are accustomed to previous lifestyles out of modern society
6) Too much money can lead to poor spending and eventually cause collapse
7) Global markets lead to the destruction of local economies (hence why organizations such as Fair Trade were created to promote local farmers)
8) Idealized products (such as Viagra mentioned above) may be too “perfect” for our society
9) These products mentioned above may cause health issues
10) Too standard of products promotes a lack of individualization and personal character
While it’s easy to pick out the positives and negatives of the corporate media and consumer-driven society, I don’t think I have more of a bias in one direction over the other. I think I’ve come to term with the fact that this is the society that I’m living in, and everything in society can be seen in a positive and negative light. For every positive, you can find a negative correlation and vice versa. I think corporation is crucial in our world because in reality we are based on production and consumption. Do I think it has gone too far? In a sense, but I don’t think there is any specific act we can do to change such a large-scale mechanism.
A1- PROs
ReplyDelete1. Provides jobs
2. Reaches a lot of people
3. Education
4. Competition
5. New products/ideas
6. Improved products/ideas
7. Standards
8. Continued existence
9. Bring people together
10. Cheap products
B1- CONs
1. Influence peoples thought
2. Start bad trends
3. Not take into account common good
4. More powerful than real people
5. Profit driven
6. Exploitation
7. Externalize costs
8. Distance us from products
9. Monopoly
10. Large effect when fail
A2- Associations & ramifications (direct and indirect) of the PROs
ReplyDelete1. Provides jobs – there are multiple levels of work to be done that require more than one person
2. Reaches a lot of people – with good intentions a positive message can reach many people
3. Education – used to inform people of things they wouldn’t learn about any other way OR a more effective way to inform people
4. Competition – creates and encourages
5. New products/ideas – allows the population to discover/become aware of new things that may make their lives easier
6. Improved products/ideas – ways to let people know that the products they use have become more efficient, possibly because of voiced flaws.
7. Standards – many corporations strive to work more productively by rigorous guidelines to ensure a level of quality that doesn’t vary from region to region
8. Continued existence – corporations can live on after generations, have a longer life span than a human
9. Bring people together – bring people who may or may not have met together, a commonality is created
10. Cheap products – I’m personally a sucker for this since I’ve had low wage jobs, makes a product more accessible to more people
B2- Associations & ramifications (direct and indirect) of the CONs
1. Influence peoples thought – the idea of creeping normalcy and setting the standards for what is normal
2. Start bad trends – excessive consumerism, gimmicks to spend more money, advertising a product that has a large carbon foot print
3. Not take into account common good – The Corporation says that corporations are to put the stock holders interests infront of the surrounding communities
4. More powerful than real people – got power by equating themselves to slaves
5. Profit driven – there is no end, nothing is good enough, keep wanting to grow and do better
6. Exploitation – due to the industrial revolution jobs that were previously done by people were replaced by machines (Trumpey)
7. Externalize costs – by externalizing the actual products cost it is creating a greater cost on other countries and the environment (Leonard)
8. Distance us from products – we don’t know what goes on in the production
9. Monopoly – the corporate media can control what the public sees and can also ban things (like in Lasn’s case with not being able to air his anti-commercials)
10. Large effect when fail – every time that Dow Chemical goes through a series of cuts to try to get more profits a majority of Midland, MI
I found it hard to come up with 10 good things about a corporation. It’s probably the influence of Lasn to view a corporation as evil because if was much easier to list the cons. Finding out that a corporation has the legal rights of a person enraged me (Lasn 68-69.) Hearing it again from The Corporation that people died for corporations to gain this right further fueled my anger. I can’t believe that our country went from being skeptical and limiting corporations power to giving them more power than the average voter.
ReplyDeleteI’m no longer in love with the corporation. I view corporations now as having a crush on the cool kid. You think he is great from the few times you’ve chatted and occasionally bumped into each other at parties. But then there comes a test where he has to show his loyalty and he picks his popular friends. Or he says something to sound cool that in reality is idiotic. Corporations are easy to love from a far and unknowingly but once you see what they are really made of know it isn’t healthy.
But just knowing it isn’t healthy isn’t enough to stop. It takes more money. That is the trap that keeps corporations going. They are so efficient and so productive that it’s easy to be sucked in and comfortable with. What needs to happen is that local or independent alternatives need to be more easily accessible. It probably is easier and perhaps cheaper to buy local from independent stores but the corporations have too much control. To harbor competition I think corporations should help their competition through advertisement and place the true test in the quality of the product. I would really like to see more restrictions placed on a corporation’s power. I would like to see corporations shift toward the standards of a co-op where the people working are the stockholders and are personally responsible for the groups outcome (Moore).
Leonard, Annie. “The Story of Stuff.” http://www.storyofstuff.com/
Moore, Michael. “Roger and Me” 1989.
The Corporation (Jennifer Abbott and Mark Achbar 2004).
Trumpey, Joseph. Art Design Perspective 3: Technology and the Environment. Stamps Auditorium, Ann Arbor, MI. November 2009. Lecture.
(It all wouldn't fit in one comment - there should be 3 total)
ReplyDeleteA1- PROS:
ReplyDelete1. Jobs for millions, even billions, of people
2. Large fraction of the world economy
3. Easily accessible information
4. Regulation
5. Advanced technology
6. Products easily available throughout the country/world
7. High production rate
8. Lower prices
9. Make life easier/more convenient for the shopper
10. Progress/competition
1. Under paid employees run by rich CEOs
2. Unequal distribution of wealth
3. Too much power
4. Power over local businesses
5. Disregard for the environment
6. Loss of unique products
7. Production takes a toll on the workers
8. Usually lower quality products
9. Same rights as an individual person
10. Control of the media
A2-Associations & Ramifications
1. Without corporations, millions throughout the world would be without jobs
2. Corporations provide a large portion of our global economy
3.Since corporations run the news, the general public has continuous, easily accessible news and information always readily available
4. Having such a large presence in the global economy means that those products, their production, and their distribution can be regulated
5. New technology is continually being invented to make production easier, and the consumer’s life easier
6. Many corporations exist as chain stores, therefore, one can find the same product in New York that they could find in Nebraska
7. Masses of employees working around the clock allow for products to be easily and quickly manufactured
8. Fast production and under paid workers assembling products in the cheapest way possible allow for low cost products
9. When prices are low, and products are easily found, you have a happy customer
10. When several companies make the same products, they are continually competing with one another to make the better product
B2-Associations & Ramifications
1. CEOs of corporations take in far too much profit from their products, while many of their employees suffer from underpaid jobs
2. As with the above statement, this is only intensified, as employees are also consumers
3. Corporations have far too much control over many matters in the world
4. Many local businesses are run out of town when large corporations offer similar products
5. The environment suffers when corporations fail to go about proper procedures for building new things, disposing of wastes, and running their companies
6. When the same product is found all over the world, less abundant, more unique products find it harder to get sold, or even manufactured
7. Too many workers are underpaid while working too many hours in poor conditions
8. When products are made for the masses, to be sold at cheap prices, the quality of the product ultimately goes down
9. Corporations are not people, yet they have more rights than we do: entirely unfair
10. The power corporations hold is used far too often for negative purposes
I can’t say that I completely support corporations: they are money thirsty entities that have too much control over society. Yet, modern society wouldn’t exist without corporations. I am continually reminded that without corporations, millions of people would be without jobs, and the world at large would not be in the current technologically driven state that we are used to. While the morals of corporations are quite evil, the effect they have on the advancement of easier lifestyles is for the most part very positive. It’s a never ending catch-22.